Become an Inspiring Agent of Change 通过组织创新 & Change

Do you want to advance as a leader who can achieve positive results through inspiring others? Maybe you want to support organizational change as a consultant in an organization or working with multiple organizations. 无论你的领导目标是什么, earning a master’s in leadership in 组织创新与变革 from University of the Pacific will prepare you to help businesses and organizations adopt innovative strategies to support people and bring about positive impacts on communities and the world.

当你在太平洋学习组织变革和创新时, 你会沉浸在一个严谨的, 动手学习环境. 你将得到一个充满爱心的教师社区的积极支持, 热情的同辈和知识渊博的校友. Most of all, your master’s in leadership from Pacific will help you build and strengthen your own leadership skills as you master innovative techniques to support organization-wide change.


我们相信,改变始于人. That’s why we support your growth as a coach and consultant who can teach others how to become great leaders and team members. Make positive changes in the world around you with our affordable and accessible master’s in leadership in 组织创新与变革.

Please note该项目不支持I-20国际学生签证. 

  • 对于完成学士学位的学生,参加 lead200发挥领导作用 and LEAD 210* through Benerd College and directly transfer those units to one of our MA programs (*pending catalog approval in fall 2024)
  • 对于所有其他本科生,请选择 LEAD 200 and another course pre-approved for transfer by undergraduate advisor and Benerd MA Program Lead.

Small Class Sizes




Earning a graduate degree in 组织创新与变革 from Pacific is one of the fastest and most accessible ways to become a stronger leader and more creative problem-solver.

感谢我们专注于体验式学习, 你会把在课堂上学到的知识与实际的组织联系起来. You’ll also benefit from working with highly experienced faculty who prioritize your academic and professional success.


Whether you’re a working professional or a recent graduate looking to start a new career path, 你的个人时间和工作时间都很宝贵. That’s why we created a low-residency 组织创新与变革 program that lets students like you earn your degree while living anywhere and working full-time


当你深入太平洋公司的组织创新时, you’ll work closely alongside esteemed faculty mentors who bring decades of experience as consultants, 培训师和创新主管进入他们的教室. Collaborate with leading experts in organizational innovation as you master the latest leadership methods and skill sets.


我们将证书嵌入到我们的课程中,使你成为一个更有竞争力的求职者. 在第一年的春季之后,您将获得引领和促进创新证书. 第二年后,您将获得战略咨询证书. These certificates will demonstrate your competence in leadership and working with clients to foster change.

组织创新领导硕士 & Change
Michael Lane

迈克尔考虑了几十个组织变革项目. He chose Organizational Innovation and Change at Pacific because of its real-world organizational innovation focus and engaging learning environment.


As technologies continue to grow more complex and employees adapt to shifting trends in workplace norms, 组织必须不断改变和发展,以保持人的中心地位. At Pacific, you’ll learn proven methods for facilitating organizational change in a broad variety of situations — always with a focus on human-centered approaches to consulting and coaching.

Your graduate degree in Organizational Innovation and Change from Pacific can prepare you for a job as one of the following:

  • Consultant
  • 领导力和变革教练
  • Trainer 
  • Diversity-equity-inclusion专家
  • Human resources director
  • Facilitator
组织创新领导硕士的职业前景 & Change

Employment of organizational innovation specialists such as consultants and management analysts is projected to grow 11 percent by 2031, 比所有职业的平均水平快得多, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

As organizations look for ways to improve efficiency and employee relations while controlling costs, consultants and organizational innovation specialists will be in higher demand throughout the world.


Our two-year, 32学分的课程将涵盖基础和高级主题,如设计思维, coaching, 评估组织效率等等. Each faculty mentor designs their courses to help you continue building sophisticated techniques to bring change and organizational innovation to companies and businesses of every size and type.

当你获得组织创新与变革领导硕士学位时, 每学期(包括夏季)选修两门课程, 除了你最后一个学期, which will involve a capstone course to integrate all that you’ve learned in organizational innovation. Every course includes client-based projects — meaning that you will work with organizations on projects that will have a real-world impact.


  • Organizational Learning
  • 促进项目和措施
  • Leadership and Inquiry
  • Exercising Leadership



LEAD 200. Exercising Leadership. 3 units. 提供领导所需的知识和技能, motivate, 协调不同的个体实现共同的目标. 包括在组织和社区背景下的领导力研究, 强调个人领导能力的发展.

LEAD 255. Design Thinking. 3 units. Provides knowledge, skills, and application to facilitate human-centered inquiry and design processes for organizational problem solving.


LEAD 210. Leadership and Inquiry. 3 units. Engages students in cycles of inquiry to gain deeper understanding of the issues that impact their organization and how that informs their leadership identity. 通过这些询问周期, 学生反思行动和决策如何影响组织及其人员. Students use these reflective practices to build self-awareness about their on-going leadership growth and development.

LEAD 256. Change in Complex Systems. 3 units. Immerses students in innovation and change methodologies while working with clients in transforming teams, groups, and organizations.

Summer LEAD 251. Learning Design. 3 units. 本课程提供对设计的理解和应用, development, 以及各部门学习经验的评价, 特别强调创造创新和沉浸式学习体验.

LEAD 221. 促进项目和措施. 3 units. Provides knowledge and skills related to group facilitation with focus on facilitating projects and initiatives of all types. 重点将放在促进性领导上, tools, techniques, processes, 以及帮助团队成功的知识.

LEAD 258. Organizational Consulting. 3 units. Provides knowledge and skills necessary to facilitate and support the implementation of change in teams, groups, and organizations. 强调咨询技巧的理论和实践方面, 尤其是顾问与客户之间的帮助关系.


LEAD 215. 组织效能评估. 3 units. Provides knowledge, skills, and experience to facilitate collaborative, data-informed evaluation. 专注于提高项目、团体和组织的有效性.

LEAD 259. Organizational Learning. 3 units. 运用原则和理论来理解组织如何学习, 他们如何改变自己的组织知识水平, 以及他们如何培养成长和更新的文化. 注重理论和实践为基础的过程中创造, retaining, 以及在组织内部传递知识, 以及在系统上下文中理解组织.

Summer LEAD 296L. 创新领导力的整合顶点. 3 units. 提供该计划的最终体验, including leadership-related fieldwork project to apply innovation skills through integration of research, theory, and practice.


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